Archive for December 15, 2009

Cookie Frenzy

Homemade Big and Chewy Cookies

After a tiring day of  baking 4 cakes, guess what I am gushing about? It’s cookie baking day! What can I say, I think I’ve developed a terrible addiction to baking.

Okay, so this is not really baking for baking’s sake. Haha! Apparently, the samplers of soft-baked cookies that were brought to Father’s office have been well-received and a few of the folks there are apparently itching to order. So what do I do? Well, you know me. I don’t want to give  people what they expect, lol. So in lieu of  packs of soft-baked ginger cookies, I’ve decided on making a Cookie Jar Assortment! Yay!  I’m making two different cookies packed in beautiful, transparent cookie jars (with my label of course).

Can you see how giddy I am with the prospect? 🙂  It also helps that I have a kilo of Callebaut Chippits and a bagful of walnuts just begging to be used.

I don’t like crisp, crumbly cookies. I want chewy cookies, so that’s what I’m making.  Last night, I made the dough for the cookies  ( Cinnamon Molasses and Choco Chip)  and dunked them in the ref. to settle. One thing I’ve learned in cookie making is that, chewy cookies are chewier and the dough is  easier to handle if you allow the dough to develop in the ref for a couple of hours.

After setting aside a few cookies (okay maybe two dozen cookies) for us at home, I was able to make about five jars of cookies.

~Cookie Jars for Christmas~

The recipes for the cookies are loosely based on the following:

Big, Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies

Soft Baked Molasses and Cinnamon Cookies

December 15, 2009 at 2:34 PM 1 comment


December 2009